Thursday, August 5, 2010

Feelings beyond art

To be able to create any form of art, you must have feelings.
There is a normal course, a cycle of creation: events > inspiration > feelings > art > feelings > inspiration...
Lets watch the beautiful story [film and music]:

Primavera from Metron on Vimeo.

I was asked to remove original music score, music which inspired me to make this film in the first place, music to which I drew and sequenced all the scenes before I even started shooting it, music to which I carefully edited all the cuts, music which I was listening to for five months while working on this project, every weekend in the snow.
I am currently in a remote location far away from home, so all I could do is to quickly swap the sound and drive two hours to the nearest wifi to upload the file.

I will have to solve a tough problem and find new score which would fit and would require minimal cut changes once I get home.

This is a short story of the lonely robot celebrating holidays.

Primavera - Spring (season) in Italian

Set of "Making Of" photos can be found here with the comments:

I took days off from Christmas to New Year and planned to make a short film in Yosemite, but then I saw this little robot and thought it would be more interesting to use him in the story. Besides there are many robots on this planet who always spend holidays alone.

Then I watched the original movie once again with all the comments from its director Andrew Stanton (for inspiration). I listed a few scenes, which I wanted to shoot, scribbled some storyboards ( they are really like scribbles from 3 year old kid, but turned out to be very useful) and started off.

I started filming it right on the day after Christmas by driving to Yosemite, and then spent many more snowy weekends in Tahoe and Yosemite making all these shots one by one. Some of the shots involved hiking, skiing and even snowshoeing. Not that they were required, but just because I like all of that.

I even flew this little robot to Alaska, not sure if he enjoyed it though: One morning we stopped to make one shot on the way to Exit Glacier.
It was 7'F outside, that's super cold, so his battery was dying every minute and I had to carry him to the car to heat him up after each take.

At that moment I thought that it would be much more interesting to shoot video of me struggling with not-so-cooperative robot, freezing temperatures and all the things which I have not done before but eager to learn.

Thanks to Gogaren, Uma, Zoran and Zorana for ideas, feedback and for dropping the robot from the cliff ( with parachute ), to Adam for the snow.

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